Obion County Board of Education
May 18, 2009

Agenda Item: VIII.A.

Request to Address the Board - JoMykel Hepler

Background Information:

In compliance with procedures as set forth by the Board via Board Policy #1.404 and Board Relations and Procedures, JoMykel Hepler has been granted permission to appear before the Board to address concerns about the Standard Dress Code. JoMykel will address his student survey results and comments as set forth on the attached document. His survey and comments express concern over the requirement of students having to tuck their shirts. When the dress code was first adopted, students were not required to tuck their shirts when the shirt length met specified length requirements. School administrators, along with dress code committees, found this requirement difficult to monitor due to the number of students who simply would not wear shirts of the proper length. Therefore, the Board implemented the suggestion from the dress code committees that all shirts had to be tucked.

Staff Recommendation:

No recommendation. For Board information and discussion only.